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ocuro wan
wan | storage | security | cloud | lan
Interconnect your data centers and remote offices utilising the best available regional service providers and technology for quality of service, bandwidth, redundancy, availability, and proactive management.

Ocuro maintains a close relationship with the very best service providers within each region to expend our network and to serve our customers connectivity needs. Ocuro will construct your network by interconnecting our own infrastructure with multiple providers in a seamless manner to extend reachability and eliminate complexities.
ocuro point-to-point
Using DWDM, SDH, Ethernet infrastructure we can provide you point-to-point circuits ranging fron 2Mbps to 10Gbps utelising the best technology to suite your needs.
ocuro multi-point
Ocuro's Ethernet over MPLS infrasrtucture has been constructed to provide you multi-point any-to-any connectivity in a seamless manner interconnecting your sites.
ocuro internet
Ocuro peers with ISP's. We can provide you up to 1Gbps connection speeds in most location and 10Gbps connection in major cities.
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